* mentalfloss.com: 10 Fascinating Facts About Ravens

When it comes to intelligence, these birds rate up there with chimpanzees and dolphins. In one logic test, the raven had to get a hanging piece of food by pulling up a bit of the string, anchoring it with its claw, and repeating until the food was in reach. Many ravens got the food on the first try, some within 30 seconds. In the wild, ravens have pushed rocks on people to keep them from climbing to their nests, stolen fish by pulling a fishermen’s line out of ice holes, and played dead beside a beaver carcass to scare other ravens away from a delicious feast.

If a raven knows another raven is watching it hide its food, it will pretend to put the food in one place while really hiding it in another. Since the other ravens are smart too, this only works sometimes.

würde mich irgendeine macht dazu zwingen mich für ein haustier zu entscheiden, ich entschiede mich nicht für einen hund oder eine katze, sondern einen raben. ersatzweise ein graupapagei. (via)