wired.com: The BitTorrent Effect

felix schwenzel, , in wirres.net    

faszinierender artikel auf wired.com über den „BitTorrent Effect“ und BitTorrent erfinder bram cohen. man könnte zusammenfassen mit: „es wird viel passieren“.

If enough people start getting their TV online, it will drastically change the nature of the medium. Normally, the buzz for a show builds gradually; it takes a few weeks or even a whole season for a loyal viewership to lock in. But in a BitTorrented broadcast world, things are more volatile. Once a show becomes slightly popular - or once it has a handful of well-connected proselytizers - multiplier effects will take over, and it could become insanely popular overnight. The pass-around effect of blogs, email, and RSS creates a roving, instant audience for a hot show or segment. The whole concept of must-see TV changes from being something you stop and watch every Thursday to something you gotta check out right now, dude. Just click here.

andererseits: in deutschland gibts ja noch nicht mal TiVo, bis es hierher schwappt und der spargel (abteilung patalong) darüber berichtet werden also noch ein paar jahre vergehen.